
What Are Governance Tokens?

Money is not Power – Control Over it Is. Uniswap, a Decentralized Exchange (DEX), generates every 24h around…

What Are Token Contracts?

The term “Token” is frequently used in the blockchain space. Shermin Voshmgir, the director of the Research Institute…

What Is A Digital Signature?

Why do we sign a contract or a bill? In our everyday life, signatures are often used as…

Which Consortium Blockchain To Choose?

If you are setting up a blockchain-based system, one of the first questions you face is what kind…

What is Byzantine Fault Tolerance BFT?

People in the blockchain space often throw around the words Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) as though it was…

Blockchain Security Models

When people start talking about blockchain they often mix up the security models with consensus algorithms. If you’ve…

Next-Generation Autonomous Agents

Last October at the Outlier Ventures Diffusion Hackathon, Enterprise Blockchain Solutions provider Datarella built a Proof of Concept…

Webinar Recap: An Introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity

Last week, Martin Schäffner gave an introduction to blockchain-enabled Self-Sovereign Identity at the Crypto and Blockchain Meetup bdvb HG…

Inter-Blockchain Communication

You may have heard people in the blockchain space throwing the term Inter-Blockchain Communication or IBC around lately….

Introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity Components – Part 2

Last week we started a series of articles for an introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity components. In the first article,…